Noho Motuhaketanga Hapori Nga Tangata Porowairangitia
People with experience of mental illness, living a self-fulfilled life in the community.
The Ministry of Health has signalled that it won’t continue to fund residential services for people with mental health or addiction issues in the future.
LINC Support Service’s care model has been identified by the Bay of Plenty District Health Board as a high-quality and cost-effective solution to delivering mental health and addiction support going forward.
A cheaper alternative to in-patient residential mental health care, LINC’s care model is also highly effective at ensuring people get the immediate health support they need, while helping them to develop the skills they need for the future.
LINC’s services are in keeping with recommendations outlined in the Ministry of Health document Rising to the Challenge: The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan 2012–2017, and are regularly audited to ensure they comply with National Standards.
If you are a healthcare professional who is interested in implementing our model of care and would like to find out more, please give us a call on 07 578 6075.